Dental Cleanings and Checkups in Ambleside Near Windermere

Dental Cleanings and Checkups Near You

Daily dental hygiene is one of the best, not to mention easiest, ways to improve your smile and prevent many other issues from surfacing. Patients of every age should also be getting frequent checkups with a dentist so they can keep an eye on things.

At our local dental practice, we provide efficient and effective cleanings and checkups near you. If you’d like to set up an appointment to have this done, call a local dentist near you.

Dental Cleanings and Checkups in Ambleside Near Windermere

Why Dental Hygiene is Important

Did you know that the health of our smile, and by extension, the health of our entire oral cavity, directly impacts the health of the rest of our body? When one area is unhealthy, it can cause a domino effect and lead to more serious problems.

Maintaining the hygiene of your smile is beneficial in several ways, including:

  • Prevents cavities
  • Helps you avoid gum disease
  • Freshens your breath
  • Stops tooth loss
  • Discourages infections

Healthy teeth and gums translate to a brighter smile, boosting your self-confidence. It also saves you money and headaches since you won’t need more complex treatments in the future.

Have questions about cleanings and checkups? For additional information, contact our nearby dentist.

What Happens During the Treatment?

Dental cleanings and checkups near Windermere are generally combined into a single appointment. These sessions only take about 60-90 minutes to complete, allowing you to return to the rest of your day.


A dentist will physically assess your teeth, gums, and the top and bottom of your mouth. X-rays are taken, too, so they can see how your tooth roofs are faring along with your jawbone. This part of your visit is straightforward and quick, usually lasting only 5-10 minutes.


Next comes the cleaning. A dental hygienist conducts this treatment. Our family dentist in Ambleside will pop in and out throughout, supervising their work and seeing how you’re doing.

Plaque and tartar are scraped from your teeth with a scaler first. Then, they are brushed and flossed. All these measures freshen your breath and scrub stains away. Fluoride is applied to your smile either as a gel, a varnish, or given to you as a liquid to swish around. You’ll sit with the fluoride for 1 minute before you can spit and rinse.

Once your appointment is done, you’ll be encouraged to book a follow-up appointment 6 months later.

Come By Smart Dental Art for Quality Care

Looking to schedule dental cleanings and checkups near you? Our dental centre offers a range of processes and procedures designed to meet your needs and help you fulfil your oral health goals.

Call, email or drop by our location to speak with a dentist today; you won’t regret it!